Danilo Bonfanti & Gabriele Moscatelli - Modern Italian Furniture Designer from IMaestri

Danilo Bonfanti & Gabriele Moscatelli

Danilo Bonfanti & Gabriele Moscatelli

Danilo Bonfanti was born in Milan, and graduated with a degree in Architecture and Design from the “Politecnico di Milano”. Gabriele Moscatelli was born in Cantù, and he graduated with a degree in Applied Art. Together they founded a studio in Brianza, and the long-standing synergy between the architects and other qualified partners has given birth to numerous projects in the architecture and design sector. The firm deals both with product design and the creations of retail spaces such as showrooms, shops and exhibition booths. Moreover the studio manages the image of the companies with whom it collaborates, preparing graphic presentations of products and handling photo services.

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