Jetsons Lounge Chair


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Maximum 10000 characters

Production Time
7 - 8 weeks
Price from $8,298
Jetsons Lounge Chair by Giovannetti is a modern Italian Chair with a unique design.
Jetsons Lounge Chair by Giovannetti is a modern Italian Chair with a unique design. IT defines a contemporary way of sitting, free and informal. Jetsons is an armchair, a chaise longue, a cradle, the seat of a spaceship, a tribal throne, a nest, comfortable and at the same time dynamic, up to date and sensual. Jetsons Lounge Chair is perfect to decorate every design ambience, giving it a charming look and a strong personality.
Collection Products



Founded in the 1960’s Giovannetti was an immediate hit on the international scene thanks to its innovative and well researched products that proved to be a perfect match for the experimental climate of that time period, when new forms were being created and new solutions were being sought out for spaces in which people could relax, meet and converse. Giovanetti's passion and the wonderful details of their products have paid off very well, and the brand is today recognized globally for their solutions that always stand out from the crowd.