Angeletti & Ruzza - Modern Italian Furniture Designer from IMaestri

Angeletti & Ruzza
Silvana Angeletti was born in Rieti in 1969, Daniele Ruzza in Rome in 1967. They met while studying Industrial Design at the I.S.I.A. in Rome and opened the “Angeletti Ruzza Design” firm in Rieti in 1994. They also work in the interior design field, with projects such as the Relais Villa d’Assio and the Quinto Assio Hotel, both in Rieti. Since 2010, they have been lecturing in Product Design at the IED in Rome and at the faculty of Industrial and Environmental Design in Ascoli Piceno since 2012. They have received many honors and awards, including recognition from Adi Index, the German Design Council’s Designpreis, Chicago Athenaeum Good Design and Designplus in Frankfurt.